The?Fujifilm Professional Velvia 50 RVP50 135-36 Colour Slide Film?is a professional, high-image quality, daylight-type colour reversal film with superb granularity, and world-class levels of image colour saturation and vibrancy. Precise modulation, vivid colour reproduction and excellent image quality make this the outstanding film for nature, fashion, products, interiors, and artwork photography. Exceptional performance, ISO speed rating of 50, excellent results in push-/pull processing for a wide range of exposures - from -1/2 to +1 stop, enabling a wider array of photo opportunities.
Vibrant Colour Reproduction/Rich Colour Tone Depiction
Vivid skin tone reproduction with the world's highest colour saturation equal to that of the current Velvia. Superb colour tone depiction for rich colour reproduction.
Fine Grain Quality/High Definition/High Resolving Power
Superb grain quality, vibrancy and resolving power, as with the current Velvia.
Neutral Greys and Excellent Deep Shadows
Fine neutral grey reproduction from the highlights to the shadows.
Superb Push/Pull Processing
Minimum colour balance variation over a range from -1/2 to +1 stop to enable wider photo opportunities. Also allows fine adjustments of exposure and density to be easily done during processing.